We will be happy to bill your insurance when you present your insurance card, a claim number, or other pertinent information. We attempt to verify coverage with your insurance company, including yearly dollar coverage limits, the number of approved treatment visits for therapy and the need for pre-authorization of physical therapy treatment sessions.
Co-payments for each visit should be paid during the appointment as well as any deductible requirements. We will file any necessary insurance claims and let you know if any additional payment is required. We accept payment by cash, check or credit card.
Oak Harbor Physical Therapy is committed to providing our patients with kind consideration in response to financial situations beyond your control. There are various options of repayment that can be discussed and we encourage dialogue with our accounts manager regarding these options.
We have preferred provider contracts with most insurance companies, including, but not limited to:
- Aetna
- DSHS / Medicaid
- First Choice
- Labor & Industries
- Medicare
- Premera Blue Cross
- Regence Blue Shield
- Tricare
- Uniform Medical Plan
- All Group Health Plans
We also accept coverage for third party motor vehicle accident and personal injury protection claims that involve medical and legal intervention. Oak Harbor Physical Therapy is committed to provide an account balance up to $3000.00 before requesting subrogation or requiring some personal payment on your account. This service of providing a medical loan, in essence, is a gesture of kindness to allow injured individuals who do not have access to personal compensation or reimbursement but are in need of physical therapy care.